College of Engineering (Autonomous)
NAAC 'A+' Grade || 5 Times NBA Accredited || ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Department of
Computer Science & Engineering
(Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
Main Website

Faculty List

Faculty 2024-25
SNo. Faculty Name Qualification Designation e-mail Office Ext. Mobile
1 . Prof. Gatram Rama Mohan BabuM.Tech., Ph.D.,Professor & Headhodcse.aiml@rvrjc.ac.in, rmbgatram@gmail.comExt: 3979494161797
2 . Prof. N.Venkateswara RaoM.Tech.,Ph.D.,Professorvnaramala@gmail.com8019014149
3 . Dr.. Palacharla RavikumarM.Tech., Ph.D.,Associate Professorravikumar.p@rvrjc.ac.in9000456003
4 *. Mr. Annapureddy Rama Prathap ReddyM.Tech., (Ph.D)Asst. Professora.ramaprathapreddy@gmail.com7981696541
5 . Smt. Venkata Anusha KolluruM. Tech., (Ph.D.)Asst. Professorkvanusha@rvrjc.ac.in9951615749
6 . Sri. Narne SrikanthM.Tech.,Asst. Professornarnesrikanth619@gmail.com9533752999
7 . Sri. Onteru SrinivasM.Tech., (Ph.D.)Asst. ProfessorSRINIVAS0071234@GMAIL.COM7416629239
8 . Mr. Reddy VeeramohanaraoM.TechAsst. Professorveeramohan.it65@gmail.com9441772921
9 *. Mrs. Dandamudi SrilathaM.TechAsst. Professorsree811@gmail.com9959600877
10 . Mrs. K. Bhagya LalithaM.Tech.Asst. Professorkakarlabhagyalalitha@gmail.com8985607045
11 . Sri. Mannava Vijaya BhaskarM.TechAsst. Professorvbhaskarmannava@gmail.com9642010180

List of Faculty

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty Designation e-mail Complete Profile
1. Dr. G. Rama Mohan Babu Professor & Head hodcse.aiml[at]rvrjc.ac.in, rmbgatram[at]gmail.com Complete Profile
2. Dr. N. Venkateswara Rao Professor nvr[at]rvrjc.ac.in, vnaramala[at]gmail.com Complete Profile
3. Dr.Palacharla RaviKumar Associate Professor ravikumar.p@rvrjc.ac.in Complete Profile
4. Mrs. K. Venkata Anusha Asst. Professor meda.venkataanusha@gmail.com, kvanusha@rvrjc.ac.in Complete Profile
5. Mr. N.Srikanth Asst. Professor narnesrikanth619[at]gmail.com Complete Profile
6. Sri. O. Srinivas Asst. Professor srinivas0071234[at]gmail.com Complete Profile
7. Sri. R. Veeramohanarao Asst. Professor veeramohan.it65@gmail.com Complete Profile
8. Sri. M. Vijaya Bhaskar Asst. Professor vbhaskarmannava@gmail.com Complete Profile
9. Mrs. K. Bhagya Lalitha Asst. Professor kakarlabhagyalalitha[at]gmail.com Complete Profile